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Easier and Safer
Blood Typing 

In-vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Design | Design Research | Workflow Design | Usability Testing 

Having scientific know-how enables us to engage seamlessly with our clients, translating novel discoveries to scalable commercial impact.

IVD Blood Testing


| IVD Device and System Design

TypeABO is a portable, self contained test kit that performs blood typing prior to blood transfusions.  During and after blood typing, the self contained cartridge is designed to protect the user -and others - from exposure to blood borne diseases.


To understand our users' needs, we conducted observation studies of healthcare workers, clinicians, and users of conventional blood test cards.


Our studies revealed that during blood typing, there was heightened concern over exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Both users and clinical users voiced concerns of exposure and contamination during blood typing.

"I feel uneasy leaving exposed blood on an open blood typing card. There were times when several cards were tested simultaneously and a mess was created while waiting for the result to show." - Field Testing Nurse

To address these concerns, TypeABO was designed with a snap on cap that collects user blood during the test, without requiring additional intervention. This addressed blood contamination concerns in field use contexts where several cards were tested simultaneously.


From the moment after finger prick blood draw, all liquids are stored inside the waste collection chamber, preventing blood exposure to users and others.


Design for Ease of Use

We gathered user data regarding their expectations and challenges faced in learning to use a new blood typing device.  Working with a medical writer, we prepared illustrations for the instructions for use (IFU) with visuals, text and image repetitions, improving users' ease of use.


Visual, text, and numeral instructions allowed users to quickly scan instructions and use the device as intended.


Our role in this project

User Research

Product Design

Mechanical Engineering

Workflow Design

Instruction for Use (IFU) Illustrations

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