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User Experience Research in Limb Rehabilitation

User Research | Workflow Design |

Opportunity Mapping 

We support our clients in qualitative research: learning about users' attitudes and behaviors. We believe that detailed research improves user experience.  

UX Design

| Limb Design & Rehab Clinic

The limb design clinic makes walking a reality again for patients who have undergone lower limb amputation. A majority of their patients are elderly and diabetic, requiring dedicated care in prosthesis training.


Transitioning to prosthesis use is a profound emotional and physical adjustment. Understanding the perspectives of patients would help the clinic better support prosthesis rehabilitation and enhance its value proposition to potential clients. 



To understand patients’ experiences in ‘becoming one’ with their prosthesis, we collected data from detailed interviews and observations with patients and the clinic team. Research data uncovered potential interventions to improve patient experience and increase patient engagement with the clinic.

UX Design Limb Design


From our interviews, we found many themes related to the lived experience of prosthesis users. More importantly, the data pointed the way to improve the clinic's engagement with their patients and better patient outcomes.

*Prior experiments on clinical psychology found that written commitments improve patient adherence to medical regimen.

[Reference 1] Putnam, D. E., Finney, J. W., Barkley, P. L., & Bonner, M. J. (1994). Enhancing commitment improves adherence to a medical regimen. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62(1), 191–194.

Our role in this project

Demographic Analysis & Persona Development

Ethnographic Studies

Qualitative Data Reporting

Opportunity Mapping

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